대구룸알바 O1O.5804.1523 k톡 DG5882 황금동유흥알바 수성구고소득알바

대구룸알바 O1O.5804.1523 k톡 DG5882 황금동유흥알바 수성구고소득알바

대구룸알바 O1O.5804.1523 k톡 DG5882 황금동유흥알바 수성구고소득알바
대구룸알바 O1O.5804.1523 k톡 DG5882 황금동유흥알바 수성구고소득알바

대구룸알바 O1O.5804.1523 k톡 DG5882 황금동유흥알바 수성구고소득알바

Preparations were in full swing for spring farming, but

the rice fields were still not flooded.I first summoned

Punga from among the shaking dry blades of grass.

And although it may have been a bit difficult, I calle

d Zito out.The two were not as good as Su-ah and H

wa-ah, but they seemed to have conflicting attributes

and were not very comfortable.It gives a feeling.But it

doesn’t really matter because it’s not that big of an inc

onvenience.Pungah hesitated among the blades of gras

s, and as soon as I started to move, he flew over my sh

oulder.Oh, I came. Not sitting on your shoulder, but pro

bably just walking around with your hair flying.sheep

대구룸알바 O1O.5804.1523 k톡 DG5882 황금동유흥알바 수성구고소득알바

am. I don’t know because there is no sound, but someti

mes it sticks out in front of my eyes. (My hairis a bit lon

g. I raised it through a lot of hard work, and now I can t

ie it back and walk around. OriginallyknifeIt is silver in c

olor but dyed brown. Straight black hair is weird, so I d

ye it and get a wavy perm.undergo…)Jito goes in and ou

t of the ground at a distance that does not interfere wit

h my movements.He was following me.They both seeme

d more lively than at home, so I think it was a good ide

a to bring them out.After walking for about an hour, th

e rice field road is over and the path leads into the mo

untains.Is there a place that people haven’t visited?Here to

o, a small road extends in a wandering way into the moun

대구룸알바 O1O.5804.1523 k톡 DG5882 황금동유흥알바 수성구고소득알바

tain.But people are not visible. Probably a villager going to

pick up Sakjeongi in the mountains.It must have been the

ir footsteps. Or, it could be that this road was formed be

cause there is a grave somewhere along this road.

Many places on mountain paths often lead to tombs. U

nless it’s a hiking trail…I was in no hurry, so I walked slo

wly.Punga and Jito continued to follow along.“Punga, isn

’t it good that Jito comes out like this? Maybe it’s becau

se it’s been a while, but my heart feels refreshed.“I think s

o.”As was my usual habit, I walked along, talking to them

without answering.It was past 10 o’clock.Relatively warm

sunlight is shining through the dense coniferous forest.

대구룸알바 O1O.5804.1523 k톡 DG5882 황금동유흥알바 수성구고소득알바

Trees and soil with water rising…It seemed like spring was

now in full swing.The mountain road was still continuing.

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