대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전노래클럽 둔산동룸싸롱 유성룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전노래클럽 둔산동룸싸롱 유성룸싸롱
Checking the reactions of those around him, Reuter said:“The va
rious budgets for this are given top priority from the national tr
easury. Did you understand? It is top priority. Reinforcement of
non-soldier troops and armored corps, mobilization of infantry t
oops, summoning of magicians… … Do your best on these. All pr
ojects that have been in progress, including the road improvemen
t project on the western border, the desert greening plan, and th
e Klana River canal construction plan, are all frozen. In addition, in
accordance with the mobilization of local armies, each local army
will be given the task of strengthening its feudal corps and organ
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전노래클럽 둔산동룸싸롱 유성룸싸롱
izing it for wartime.”Say it all at once.he room was completely sile
nt.yesteryear. The accelerated desertification of the country and t
e accompanying increase in food imports from foreign countries. I
n addition, the burden on the national treasury due to the “salvatio
n” plan. If the army were to be moved on a large scale now, it could
hit a critical point in Moravia’s finances, which were already in dire
straits.Civil servants… … In particular, financial officials are turning p
ale.「… … Partial mobilization of the Eastern Army. “That will be fine.”
Reuter agreed to what the foreign minister muttered.Even if it was o
nly a small number, it was no time for the Jinju Army of the Otherwo
rld, which had deployed the magic army’s elite soldiers, to be so eas
ily destroyed. In addition, the presence of Soviet troops gathering near
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전노래클럽 둔산동룸싸롱 유성룸싸롱
the border with great force. When the reports from the knights who fl
ed and returned reached the kingdom’s leadership, and it became kno
wn that the enemy’s combat ability was higher than expected, the kin
g ordered Reuter to take all measures to defeat the barbarians. It coul
d also be said that he gave full power to the military. The civil servant
s, led by the Minister, desperately urged the king to overturn this ord
er, but in the end, no one listened.“The mobilization plan itself is use
ful for ‘Methodius’.””surely… … Wasn’t that in preparation for Neustria?”
“yes. However, the troops after mobilization did not head south, but we
re transported by sea one after another from the eastern sea port of M
ikrov. Join the pacification army in the north. In addition, the entire Su
seo Chimera unit will be deployed to tow and escort the transport flee
t.”“Metdios” was originally the Spirit God Church… Among them, the p
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전노래클럽 둔산동룸싸롱 유성룸싸롱
lan was to use Neustria as the main enemy.Rather than specific operati
onal plans, the focus is on mobilization plans, with 70,000 corps in 4 co
rps mobilized for the first mobilization a week after the planned operat
ion, and 330,000 mobilizations in 14 corps for the second mobilization.
In addition to this, each unit of the Magic Army, which is a standing ar
my, and the vassal army were added to this for a period of approximat
ely one and a half months.